This page provides information about UCSB printed and electronic diplomas. Students who graduated Fall 2019 or later are issued both a physical paper diploma and an electronic diploma in secure PDF format.


Original Diploma Mailing

Diplomas are mailed several months after the degree quarter has ended to the “Diploma Address” listed in GOLD.

Diplomas are mailed via US Postal Service with no tracking numbers.

Diplomas held by the Office of the Registrar due to financial blocks or returned for incorrect addresses are retained for five academic years.

To pick up your diploma in person, please contact the Office of the Registrar at

Diploma name

Student’s legal or lived name can be printed on the diploma. Degree candidates can view and edit their diploma name in GOLD by selecting “Progress,” then “Graduation & Commencement.”

Diploma names are printed in all capital letters.

Report any errors or omissions to the Office of the Registrar at

Third parties using the lived name appearing on your diploma will not be able to verify your degree through the National Student Clearinghouse because of name mismatch. 

Students planning to live or work abroad

Some countries may require your diploma (in conjunction with your official transcript) for various legal, immigration, and employment purposes. Choosing to print your lived name on your diploma may result in unforeseen complications due to discrepancy between your diploma and other documents (e.g. transcripts, passport, birth certificates, etc.) that contain your legal name. To avoid such complications, we recommend printing your legal name on your diploma if you plan to live, study, work outside of the United States. Diploma apostille can only be provided when using your legal full name. Please contact the California Secretary of State’s Office for more information.

Long names

Students who have a name more than 30 characters long (including spaces) will need to contact the Office of the Registrar at to ensure that their full name will be printed on the diploma. 


Students should also contact the Office of the Registrar at to request an accent or special character on a diploma. Accents or special characters are only added to the diploma name by special request.

Verification of degree

Undergraduate degree candidates who need official verification of degrees awarded before the diploma is ready may order official transcripts or verifications via GOLD

Graduate degree candidates who need unofficial verification of degree(s) awarded before the diploma is ready may use their degree completion notice as a form of verification to employers. Graduate degree candidates who need official verification of degrees awarded before the diploma is ready may order official transcripts or verifications via GOLD

Students with a "Scheduled" Degree Status in GOLD will need to select "Hold for Degree" when ordering transcripts or verifications.

More information on Verifications

Financial blocks

  • Diplomas will be held for any student who has a block on their account. 
  • Check the Account Summary of your BARC account for any blocks. 
  • Contact the BARC Office by email to to resolve any financial blocks.
  • Contact the University Center by email to to resolve any University Center or Bookstore blocks.
  • Diplomas are not automatically mailed after blocks are cleared! 

Diplomas damaged in the mail

If your diploma is damaged in transit, please take a picture of the damaged diploma and email it to

Please include the DID# in the email. If you are unable to locate the DID#, please include your first and last names and “UC Santa Barbara.”

Replacement Diplomas

In accordance with University of California policy, multiple copies of diplomas are not issued. However, students may order a replacement diploma if the original was lost, damaged, or they have changed their name. 

Replacement diplomas bear the signatures of current University officials and the statement "Reissued [Month Year]." This process takes 3-6 weeks. Rush processing is not available for replacement diplomas.

Replacement diplomas ordered after March 2020 will be issued both as a physical paper diploma and an electronic diploma in secure PDF format.

Order a replacement diploma online through GOLD 

How to Order a Replacement Diploma


  • $50.00 (Domestic mailing via US Postal Service with no tracking number) 

  • $75.00 (International mailing or Domestic mailing via FedEx)

Replacement Diploma Name

Student’s legal or lived name can be printed on the diploma. When placing your Replacement Diploma Order via GOLD/Parchment, please type your name in the "Exact Diploma Name to be printed" field exactly as you would like it to appear on your diploma, including punctuation. 


Orders cannot be refunded or reprinted due to errors made in this field

Diploma names are printed in all capital letters.

If you have any questions about how your name will appear on your diploma, email before submitting the order.

Third parties using the lived name appearing on your diploma will not be able to verify your degree through the National Student Clearinghouse because of name mismatch. 

Students planning to live or work abroad

Some countries may require your diploma (in conjunction with your official transcript) for various legal, immigration, and employment purposes. Choosing to print your lived name on your diploma may result in unforeseen complications due to discrepancy between your diploma and other documents (e.g. transcripts, passport, birth certificates, etc.) that contain your legal name. To avoid such complications, we recommend printing your legal name on your diploma if you plan to live, study, work outside of the United States. Diploma apostille can only be provided when using your legal full name. Please contact the California Secretary of State’s Office for more information.


Students should also contact the Office of the Registrar at to request an accent or special character on a diploma. Accents or special characters are only added to the diploma name by special request.

Diploma Notarization

The Office of the Registrar provides two types of diploma notarization services:

  • Copy certification: Notary statement is stapled to a photocopy of the diploma.
  • Jurat: Notary statement is printed on the back of the original diploma.

If a third party asks you to provide a notarized diploma, confirm with them which version you need (Copy certification or Jurat). 

Please email to request diploma notarization.

Please visit the Transcripts page for information on notarized transcripts. 


An apostille is made by the Secretary of State, verifying the authenticity of a public official signature on a document to be used outside the United States of America. Before you can request an apostille from the Secretary of State, your document must be notarized (or signed by an authorized public official).

UCSB does not process apostille requests. Students must contact the State of California Secretary of State's Office to complete this process. 

If you have any questions about information on this page, please email