Current Students

   Alumni/Former Students   

  • If your degree has been posted to your record and you hold for degree expect processing delays.
  • Do not "hold for grades" after the last day of instruction – wait for your grades to be in before ordering.
  • Grades shown on GOLD are not necessarily on your permanent record yet.

Step 1

Navigate to GOLD and select "Current Students"

Step 3

Click "Grades" and then "Transcripts and Verifications"

Step 4

If needed, update your name as it will appear on your official transcript. 
Then, click on “Official Transcripts/Verifications” 
You will be redirected to Parchment

GOLD student official transcript

Step 5

If you do not have a Parchment account, please create an account using your email.

Step 6

Once in Parchment, click "Order Options"
  Select "Official Transcript"


parchment storefront 2

Step 7

Set Delivery Destination

Use the Search box to find a college or agency such as LSAC or MCAS

Step 8

Select "Send to Yourself, Another Individual, or Third party" to manually enter an email or physical mailing address

Step 9

Some schools have more than one Official Transcript or Verification recipient – Select the correct office to send your transcript to for processing.

Step 10

If not found you may Enter Your Own address (email or physical)

Step 11

Please confirm the recipient of your documents before paying for the order.

If incorrect, you will need to re-order and pay again.

If you need to include an attachment, such as a Common Application letter, you may do so on this step.

Pay with a credit card to complete order

  • If you allow the system to idle it may result in a temporary pre-charge that will show on your financial account 5-10 days. This is not an order payment if your order wasn’t completed – a new order and payment will be needed.

Alumni/Former Students

If you have been away from UCSB for 13 months or more, please follow these steps to order transcripts.

Current Students

Alumni/Former Students

Step 1

Navigate to GOLD and select "Alumni/Former Students"

GOLD landing

Step 2

Login to GOLD with:

  • Perm
  • PIN
  • Date of birth

Forgot your PIN? Reset PIN

Forgot your Perm? Lookup Perm

GOLD Alumni landing

Step 3

Click "Transcripts"

GOLD alumni home page

Step 4

Click on "Official Transcripts"

You will be redirected to Parchment

GOLD alumni official transcripts

Step 5

Check your name as it will be printed on the official verification. Email the Office of the Registrar if needed to update your name.

GOLD Alumni Transcripts

Step 6

If you do not have a Parchment account, please create an account.

Parchment start here enter email
parchment enrollment information
Screenshot parchment registration

Step 7

Once in Parchment Click "Order Options"

Select "Official Transcript"

parchment storefront 1
parchment storefront 2

Step 8

Set Delivery Destination

Use the Search box to find a college or agency such as LSAC or MCAS

Screenshot parchment where to send order

Step 9

Select "Send to Yourself, Another Individual, or Third party" to manually enter an email or physical mailing address.

Screenshot parchment send to myself

Step 10

Some schools have more than one Official Transcript or Verification recipient  –  Select the correct office to send your transcript to for processing.

Screenshot parchment search for a recipient

Step 11

If not found you may Enter Your Own address (email or physical).

Screenshot parchment enter a recipient
Screenshot parchment enter a mail recipient

Step 12

Please confirm the recipient of your documents before paying for the order.

If incorrect, you will need to re-order and pay again.

If you need to include an attachment, such as a Common Application letter, you may do so on this step.

confirm parchment order details

Pay with a credit card to complete order

  • If you allow the system to idle it may result in a temporary pre-charge that will show on your financial account 5-10 days. This is not an order payment if your order wasn’t completed – a new order and payment will be needed.

If you have any questions about information on this page, please email