This page provides general information on quarterly final examination policies and schedules.
Final examinations are required for all undergraduate courses except those specifically identified in the Schedule of Classes. Refer to the calendar below for the official dates and times for final exams.
- Instructors are not authorized to change the published time of final examinations.
- Students are responsible for arranging their quarterly schedule so that final exams will not conflict or fall in rapid succession.
- Normally, examinations will be written, and a maximum time period for their completion will be announced in advance.
- No student will be permitted to exceed this maximum time period unless it has been predetermined by the Disabled Students Program that this is an appropriate accommodation for which the student is eligible.
- The maximum time for a final in a non-laboratory course is three hours.
- Individual exceptions from finals are not permitted.
More information on final examinations is available in the UCSB General Catalog.
More information on "Dead Week," the week prior to final examinations.
Summer Quarter
During Summer quarter there is no dedicated finals week. Most final assessments take place during a regular class session or through alternate means. In some cases, instructors will hold a final exam outside of a normal class session. Please confirm final times with your instructor.
If you have any questions about information on this page, please email