How to Order a Verification
Official Verifications
UC Santa Barbara's official verifications are printed on security paper with the Registrar’s signature or as a secure PDF and only display select enrollment and degree information. Specific courses taken and grades are not listed on a verification.
- First time users will be prompted to provide contact/mailing information. This information will be saved after the initial prompt.
- Official verifications are $16.00.
To order an official verification please select one of the following options:
- Official verifications can be ordered by logging into GOLD. Students may order either an Enrollment Verification or a Degree Verification.
- Enrollment Verifications include date of birth, local mailing address, quarters of enrollment, current study load, class level, cumulative completed units, degree objective, major, dean’s list honors, future registration, and anticipated graduation quarter. Cumulative UC GPA may be included at the student’s request. Please check this information via an unofficial verification for accuracy before ordering an official verification. Verifications are generally used as proof of enrollment status for insurance companies, scholarship agencies, and employers. Students may include an attachment with their enrollment verification.
- Degree Verifications include date of birth, local mailing address, quarters of enrollment, cumulative completed units, degree objective, major, and dean’s list honors. Cumulative UC GPA may be included at the student’s request. Please check this information via an unofficial verification for accuracy before ordering an official verification. Verifications are generally used as proof of degree status for insurance companies, scholarship agencies, and employers. Students may include an attachment with their degree verification.
- Official verifications can also be ordered using The National Student Clearinghouse.
All verification orders must be placed online. Verification orders cannot be completed in office or taken over the phone.
Unofficial Verifications
Unofficial verifications are available free of charge to all current and former students through GOLD.
Please note - students who attended UCSB prior to 1987 may need to contact the Office of the Registrar before this option is available to them. Please send an email to Transcripts for more information.
Free Verifications for Public Access
The Public Verification service is designed for third party entities to verify a student's directory information.
How to place an order:
Start by logging into GOLD as a Current Student.
If you need assistance with your UCSB Net ID or Password click UCSB Identity Services.
After you log in, use the Grades drop-down to Transcripts & Verifications

Click the button for "Official Transcripts/Verifications"

This will take you to the Parchment ordering site. If you have not already registered with Parchment, please fill in your email address, then click "Continue."

Next, enter your enrollment information.
Then click "Save Account and Continue with Order"
Select the type of document you would like to order.
Where do you want to send your document?
• A college or agency such as LSAC or MCAS (use SEARCH box)
• An email OR a mailing address (select Send to Yourself, Another Individual, or Third party)
• If you are applying with the Common Application Form email including your Permanent Student ID# prior to placing an order.

Some schools have more than one Official Transcript or Verification recipient – Select the correct office to send your transcript to for processing. You may also Enter Your Own mailing address at the bottom of this page.

If not found you may Enter Your Own mailing address at the bottom of this page for Transcripts or Verifications.

If you selected Paper Transcript, Paper Verification, or Replacement Diploma, enter the complete mailing address.
For a Paper Transcript or verification, enter full address – if address is provided from your institution enter it exactly as listed.