Fee Payment Procedure
The university operates an accounts receivable billing system, known as BARC (Billing, Accounts Receivable, Collections). It consolidates any debts owed to the university such as registration fees, housing, and library charges. Students receive an email notice to their UCSB issued U-Mail account when their Electronic Billing Statement (Gaucho E-Bill) is available to view online. The notice includes a link to a secure website where students can view billing detail and make payments online.
Students may access their BARC account for current balance information and their Gaucho E-Bill.
Fees and/or other bills may be paid in person at the Cashier's Office, located in room 1212 in the Student Affairs and Administrative Services Building (SAASB).
Any payments, overnight mail, payment plan agreement forms, or correspondence to the BARC office should be mailed to the physical location:
Cashier’s Office
University of California, Santa Barbara
1212 SAASB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2003
- Include Billing Account Number found on the statement (not PERM #) on all checks, especially if using online banking
- Checks should be made payable to: Regents of the University of California
- Address changes must be completed using GOLD; do not send change of address with payment or on the statement coupon
- The University charges a return check fee for any check returned unpaid by the bank